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Client Feedback

On my years long road to recovery from complications brought on by an early childhood vehicle accident, I've seen scores, possibly hundreds of practitioners from massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiros, osteos, etc.. I've met some really talented practitioners - maybe 1 in 10 practitioners strike me as particularly talented and clued in to what they do.  Juanita is among the top 1 or 2% of practitioners I've come across, including any and all disciplines. She is actually curious about your imbalances and compensations and she's also talented at hunting them down, exposing them, and figuring out how to cue you to stop compensating in those ways. She gives great exercises and is very clear on the cues you need to perform them best for your condition.

She is caring and patient and determined and knowledgeable. Her fascial stretch is amazing. Just amazing work. I had a hip impingement that was keeping me up at night with pain and after my first visit I've been able to sleep through the night. Furthermore, even though it's at 5% of what it was, we've been working systematically to remove that last bit and it's getting better day by day.  She knows what she's talking about and she studies to keep learning even more about what she's talking about. It helps that she's a weight lifter so she does understand force, work, strength, and fitness from a first hand perspective as well....
~ Christopher Webb


I have worked with Juanita for over a year now and in that time I have witnessed her knowledge and skill with fascial stretch grow exponentially. I have sent a number of my clients to her with great success. Her ability to assess and correct postural imbalances and help with injury recovery is amazing. She is also excellent at communicating which helps me to integrate her findings into my client's programming. This forms a nice synergy in terms of recovery and training. I have also hired Juanita to work on me and the results have been fantastic. Together we've uncovered issues that I've never known about but which would have no doubt been the cause of injury down the road. And as a friend and colleague she has inspired me to continue my own learning with fascial stretch therapy. If you've never experienced fascial stretch and you've tried other methods such as chiropractic, acupuncture, IMS, or anything else with little benefit - please consider contacting her for a consultation. It will change your life.

~ David MacInnis, Personal Trainer



My cancer treatment affected my joints and muscles, making it difficult to move and walk. I was so lucky to have Juanita introduce the Fascial Stretch therapy.  It gave me immediate relief and helped me to walk without pain during a difficult time.  Also, I recommend this to anyone who has chronic muscle and joint pain. I suffer from Osteo Arthritis in my knees, after Juanita loosened the muscles around my calves and ankles, I was able to do squats without pain for the first time in 15 years!  I will continue regular Fascial Stretching as I feel it has changed my life dramatically.

~ P.L. 43,



I have always been a sufferer of tension headaches and migraine attacks. Having thought to have exhausted the fields of therapy (RMT, chiro, Naturopath, Reiki), found that the FST with Juanita has been a tremendous service. Her thorough knowledge of anatomy and keen sense of how a body should move has helped to relieve my headaches and actually has corrected other ailments that I didn’t think to acknowledge!

~ H., 36



As an adjunct to my regular gym workouts and personal training, Juanita has provided regular sessions of FST. I have found it to be extremely helpful, more effective than massage or chiropractic in providing a sense of well being and greater flexibility. Recently after a 28 hour plane flight I experienced severe muscle pain in my back which persisted for some time. A session of FST relieved the pain completely. I find regular treatments essential to my general physical health and conditioning.

~ R.A., 66



Last February, I had a knee replacement. I was very, very motivated and worked very hard with Juanita to be in the best shape possible before the surgery. I had the surgery at Mt. Sinai and then immediately started therapy at Bridgepoint for the following 6 weeks. I also got an independent physiotherapist to come to my home.  But, I have concluded that perhaps the single person or therapy that was pivotal in my strong recovery was Juanita.  She is not only a trainer but also certified in Fascial Stretch Therapy.  She seemed to become an expert in knee replacement, helped me get back into my workout routine and continues to help me balance out my body.

~ Joanne E, 66



The fascial stretch therapy that I've done with Juanita has been a game-changer for me thus far... I've found my freeness of movement and overall flexibility has improved greatly.  My athletic performance and resistance workouts have also improved. To my surprise, I've greatly increased my strength especially in the dynamic/explosive lifts (clean & jerk and snatch). I would definitely recommend FST to any athlete as it will help with recovery, range of motion and strength gains.

~ Mark S., 28



"As the mother of 3 young children and with another on the way, I was constantly tired, achy, and grumpy which really affected the quality of my workouts. Since Juanita introduced FST into my training plan, I have felt infinitely better; after each session my aches and pains are gone, my mood is better, I feel totally refreshed, and the quality of my workouts improves. I would recommend FST to anyone who needs a total body "reset."

- W., 37



FST was very beneficial because I had so many injuries in the past from Irish football. It immedicately fixed my groin injury which usually takes a few weeks of Physio and hasn't bothered me since.  I felt like I was walking on a cloud afterwards.  In another session, I had a tweaked shoulder and it was Immediately fixed.  Since then I have so much more movement in my back and my upper body msucles are evened out.  As a Personal Trainer, I recommend my new clients to see Juanita in the first phase of our training.

~ Billy Corkery, Personal Trainer

Juanita Koo
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