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Fascia Stretch Therapy™

​​Fascia Stretch Therapy™ (FST) is a an assisted table-based full body stretching system that focuses on the fascia as the key element in achieving optimal flexibility, balance, symmetry, strength and performance.   This evolutionary pain-free system focuses on opening up the joints and focusing on fascia.


Fascia is the layers of connective tissue that envelops all structures of the body.  Over time, with poor posture, lack of exercise, stress to the body, trauma, injury and over training - fascia will thicken, shorten and build up adhesions.  This can inhibit your movement, cause tension, pain and instability in your body during your daily activities.


FST™ targets your inflexible fascia at all the layers to become more pliable, symmetrical and hydrated.  Your range of motion will increase, your movement and joints are more fluid.  Combined with proper hydration, rest and mobility exercises - our clients have benefitted with an incredible "new normal".  It has changed the way they live, train and rest.

Combined with NeuroKinetic Therapy

  • NKT® identifies muscle imbalances by using unique protocols to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating for them.  Thereby allowing you to utilize specific treatment and correct exercise techniques to restore proper movement patterns and reprogram your brain's motor control center.  By utilizing this approach, you will stop chasing symptoms and start finding the causes.


  • Improved posture and movement in postural muscles

  • Increased range of motion

  • Elimination and reduction of back pain

  • Reduction in muscle soreness and tension

  • Re-alignment of muscles and strength

  • A "Ctrl+Alt+Del" reset of body

  • Elimination of nagging issues that limits training eg. Shoulder twinges, Weird knee issues

  • Opening up of the hips to improve flexibility

  • Gaining insight and/or corrective exercises to address the cause of your pain for the long term.

What to Expect

The fascial stretch therapy session takes place on a massage table and incorporates comfortable straps used to stabilize the limbs or part of the body that is not being worked on. This facilitates relaxation and enhances the effectiveness of the technique.


*Permission has been granted by the Stretch To Win Institute to use the trademark Fascial Stretch Therapy™ or FST™.  For more information about FST™ please visit*

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